Sunday, October 18, 2015


It's hard to believe October is almost over and nearly a month has gone by since my last post. Somehow I have to get into the habit of writing more often and keeping up with my local "journal".

So spring time has been and now we are into summer. The days are getting longer and longer rapidly now. And as the days lengthen, so too does the heat, although night times are pretty cool still and I usually have a jersey on by the time sun goes down.

We are entering our windy season, and it sure looks like we're in for a windy, windy season. So not often I find reflections out there at the moment, but hey, there is beauty everywhere if you're only prepared to look for it.

Down at the local fishing harbuor just after sunset last night. Note how choppy the water is - that chilly wind was sure blowing

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