Saturday, August 3, 2019

Winter 2019

I see it is now 3 years since I last looked at my blog. I'm not very good at this blogging thing am I! There seems to be so much going on in my life, but maybe it's time to give it another try. So here are a couple of recent photos taken in July/August 2019:-

Our winters are usually pretty mild. We have those cloudy days, misty days, rainy days, and warm sunshiny days all mixed up in winter. Here is a lovely warm sunshiny winter's day, down at the local fishing harbour.

And then the following day was filled with delicious clouds, so Bokkom Laan seemed a good place to go ...

And then we have days that are overcast and drizzling like this ....

But it's mostly sunshine and warm. Clouds are a bonus to make the sky more interesting.

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